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"企业荣誉", tw: "企業榮譽", eng: "our honors"}, menu_approach_contact: {chn: "联系中梁", tw: "聯系中梁", eng: "contact us"}, menu_media_news: {chn: "新闻", tw: "新聞", eng: "news"}, menu_media_photos: {chn: "图册", tw: "圖冊", eng: "photos"}, menu_media_videos: {chn: "视频", tw: "視頻", eng: "videos"}, menu_products_realestate: {chn: "地产开发", tw: "地產開發", eng: "real estate"}, menu_products_business: {chn: "商业运营", tw: "商業運營", eng: "business operation"}, menu_products_property: {chn: "中梁物业", tw: "中梁物業", eng: "zhongliang property"}, menu_products_service: {chn: "客服中心 ", tw: "客服中心", eng: "customer service center"}, menu_investor_overview: {chn: "公司概览", tw: "公司概覽", eng: "company overview"}, menu_investor_stock: {chn: "股票信息", tw: "股票信息", eng: "stock information"}, menu_investor_announcement: {chn: "公告及通函", tw: "公告及通函", eng: "announcement & circular"}, menu_investor_financial: {chn: "财务摘要", tw: "財務摘要", eng: "financial highlights"}, menu_investor_prospectus: {chn: "招股章程", tw: "招股章程", eng: "prospectus"}, menu_investor_reports: {chn: "中期/年度业绩报告", tw: "中期/年度業績報告", eng: "interim & annual reports"}, menu_investor_presentation: {chn: "演示材料", tw: "演示材料", eng: "presentation"}, menu_investor_newsletter: {chn: "公司简讯", tw: "公司簡訊", eng: "company newsletter"}, menu_investor_press: {chn: "新闻稿", tw: "新聞稿", eng: "press releases"}, menu_investor_analyst: {chn: "分析师覆盖", tw: "分析師覆蓋", eng: "analyst coverage"}, menu_investor_calendar: {chn: "投资者活动日志", tw: "投資者活動日誌", eng: "ir calendar"}, menu_investor_governance: {chn: "企业管治", tw: "企業管治", eng: "corporate governance"}, menu_investor_enquiry: {chn: "股东及投资者关系查询", tw: "股東及投資者關系查詢", eng: "shareholder& ir enquiry"}, menu_investor_notice: {chn: "补发已报失股票的公告", tw: "補發已報失股票的公告", eng: "notice (lost share certificates)"}, menu_investor_email: {chn: "电邮提示", tw: "電郵提示", eng: "email alert"}, menu_social_news: {chn: "新闻报道", tw: "新聞報道", eng: "news reports"}, menu_social_media: {chn: "媒体报道", tw: "媒體報道", eng: "media reports"}, menu_social_moments: {chn: "精彩瞬间", tw: "精彩瞬間", eng: "moments"}, menu_social_videos: {chn: "视频展播", tw: "視頻展播", eng: "videos"}, menu_join_stories: {chn: "人在中梁", tw: "人在中梁", eng: "stories in zhongliang"}, menu_join_hr: {chn: "人力资源", tw: "人力資源", eng: "human resources"}, footer_subscribe: {chn: "关注中梁控股集团", tw: "關註中梁控股集團", eng: "subscribe"}, footer_partners: {chn: "合作伙伴", tw: "合作夥伴", eng: "partners"}, footer_tendering: {chn: "招标中心", tw: "招標中心", eng: "tendering center"}, footer_group: {chn: "中梁控股集团", tw: "中梁控股集團", eng: "zhongliang holdings group"}, footer_rights: {chn: "版权所有", tw: "版權所有", eng: "all rights reserved"}, footer_icp: {chn: "备案号沪icp备13022333号-1", tw: "備案號滬icp備13022333號-1", eng: "filing no.: shanghai icp no. 13022333-1"}, footer_hotline: {chn: "服务热线", tw: "服務熱線", eng: "service hotline"}, footer_create: {chn: "为美好生活创造价值", tw: "為美好生活創造價值", eng: "create value for a better life."}, index_products: {chn: "产品与服务", tw: "產品與服務", eng: "products and services"}, index_realestate: {chn: "地产", tw: "地產", eng: "real estate"}, index_property: {chn: "物业", tw: "物業", eng: "property management"}, index_service: {chn: "客服中心", tw: "客服中心", eng: "customer service center"}, index_others: {chn: "其他", tw: "其他", eng: "others"}, index_news: {chn: "新闻", tw: "新聞", eng: "news"}, index_media: {chn: "媒体报道", tw: "媒體報道", eng: "media reports"}, index_china: {chn: "中梁在中国", tw: "中梁在中國", eng: "zhongliang in china"}, index_focus: {chn: "根植", tw: "根植", eng: "established"}, index_delta: {chn: "长三角", tw: "長三角", eng: "in the yangtze river delta"}, index_radiation: {chn: "辐射", tw: "輻射", eng: "radiating"}, index_beijing: {chn: "五大核心经济区域", tw: "五大核心經濟區域", eng: "to five core economic zones"}, // index_extending: {chn: "中国房企综合实力20强", tw: "中國房企綜合實力20強", eng: "2018 chinese real estate enterprises for comprehensive strength top20"}, index_silkroad: {chn: "", tw: "", eng: ""}, about_us_more_than: { chn: "累计开发高品质项目超400个", tw: "累計開發高品質項目超400個", eng: "more than 400 high quality projects have been developed accumulatively." }, about_us_customers: { chn: "服务超180,000家庭540,000客户", tw: "服務超180,000家庭540,000客戶", eng: "over 180,000 households and 540,000 customers have had access to our services." }, about_us_together: { chn: "共创价值 让四季心情绽放", tw: "共創價值 讓四季心情綻放", eng: "build an excellent real estate investment group and create value together." }, approach_chairman: {chn: "董事长", tw: "董事長", eng: "chairman"}, approach_team: {chn: "高管团队", tw: "高管團隊", eng: "top management team"}, approach_value: {chn: "中梁价值观体系", tw: "中梁價值觀體系", eng: "our value system"}, approach_group: {chn: "中梁控股集团", tw: "中梁控股集團", eng: "zhongliang holdings group"}, approach_headquarter: {chn: "上海-集团总部", tw: "上海-集團總部", eng: "shanghai-headquarter"}, media_center_news: {chn: "集团新闻", tw: "集團新聞", eng: "news"}, media_center_reports: {chn: "媒体报道", tw: "媒體報道", eng: "media reports"}, media_center_more: {chn: "查看更多", tw: "查看更多", eng: "more"}, products_locations: {chn: "项目分布", tw: "項目分布", eng: "project locations"}, products_app: {chn: "中梁宝", tw: "中梁寶", eng: "zhongliang app"}, products_projects: {chn: "中梁项目", tw: "中梁項目", eng: "zhongliang projects"}, products_distribution: {chn: "在中国地区的分布", tw: "在中國地區的分布", eng: "distribution in china"}, products_province: {chn: "按省份划分", tw: "按省份劃分", eng: "by province"}, products_regional: {chn: "按区域集团划分", tw: "按區域集團劃分", eng: "by regional group"}, products_select_province: {chn: "选择省份", tw: "選擇省份", eng: "select province"}, products_select_city: {chn: "选择城市", tw: "選擇城市", eng: "select city"}, products_brands: {chn: "合作品牌", tw: "合作品牌", eng: "cooperative brands"}, products_hotline: {chn: "全国招商热线", tw: "全國招商熱線", eng: "business hotline"}, products_more: {chn: "展示更多案例", tw: "展示更多案例", eng: "show more cases"}, products_expand: {chn: "展开", tw: "展開", eng: "expand"}, products_collapse: {chn: "收起", tw: "收起", eng: "collapse"}, products_group_region: {chn: "集团区域", tw: "集團區域", eng: "group region"}, products_select_company: {chn: "选择企业", tw: "選擇企業", eng: "select company"}, socia_student_aid: {chn: "书香中梁", tw: "書香中梁", eng: "student aid activities"}, join_academy: {chn: "中梁学院", tw: "中梁學院", eng: "zhongliang academy"}, join_staff_activities: {chn: "员工活动", tw: "員工活動", eng: "staff activities"}, join_suppliers: {chn: "合作供应商", tw: "合作供應商", eng: "partner suppliers"}, join_hr_social: {chn: "社会招聘", tw: "社會招聘", eng: "hr-social recruitment"}, join_hr_campus: {chn: "校园招聘", tw: "校員招聘", eng: "hr-campus recruitment"}, join_about_zhongliang_academy: {chn: "中梁学院简介", tw: "中梁學院簡介", eng: "about zhongliang academy"}, join_cooperation: {chn: "对外合作", tw: "對外合作", eng: "cooperation"}, join_partner_suppliers: {chn: "合作供应商", tw: "合作供應商", eng: "partner suppliers"}, join_headhunter_partners: {chn: "猎头合作供应商", tw: "獵頭合作供應商", eng: "headhunter partners"}, join_background_check: {chn: "背调合作供应商", tw: "背調合作供應商", eng: "background check partners"}, join_human_resource_management_suppliers: { chn: "人力资源管理类供应商", tw: "人力資源管理類供應商", eng: "human resource management suppliers" }, join_submittals_and_requirements: {chn: "提交资料及要求", tw: "提交資料及要求", eng: "submittals and requirements"}, join_business_license: { chn: "营业执照、税务登记证及经营范围", tw: "營業執照、稅務登記證及經營範圍", eng: "business license/tax registration certificate and business scope" }, join_company_background: { chn: "公司背景、经营时间、媒体宣传、人才库数量和质量(适用猎头欧公司)、办公环境及全国驻点数量等方面", tw: "公司背景、經營時間、媒體宣傳、人才庫數量和質量(適用獵頭歐公司)、辦公環境及全國駐點數量等方面", eng: "company background/hours of operation/media publicity/quantity and quality of talent pools (for headhunters)/working environment, quantity of premises and other aspects" }, join_team_hierarchy: { chn: "公司的团队层次、人数及人力资源顾问的素质", tw: "公司的團隊層次、人數及人力資源顧問的素質", eng: "team hierarchy, number of team members and quality of hr consultants" }, join_service_process: {chn: "服务流程规范简介", tw: "服務流程規範簡介", eng: "service process and specification"}, join_customer_levels: {chn: "服务客户的层次及成功案例", tw: "服務客戶的層次及成功案例", eng: "customer levels and success stories"}, join_team_members_and_introduction: { chn: "如达成合作,能服务于我司的专职团队人数及团队介绍", tw: "如達成合作,能服務於我司的專職團隊人數及團隊介紹", eng: "number of dedicated team members and introduction of the team if a cooperation is reached" }, join_categories_and_rates: {chn: "服务类别及费用标准", tw: "服務類別及費用標準", eng: "categories and rates of services"}, join_send: {chn: "发送至", tw: "發送至", eng: "send to"}, join_foreign_cooperation: {chn: "中梁学院秉持“开放、开拓、开创;共识、共担、共享”的核心价值观", tw: "中梁學院秉持“開放、開拓、開創;共識、共擔、共享”的核心價值觀", eng: ""}, join_foreign_cooperation2: {chn: "愿与各界行业标杆、咨询机构、专业组织、科研院所开展全方位、深层次的交流与合作,欢迎来电", tw: "願與各界行業標桿、咨詢機構、專業組織、科研院所開展全方位、深層次的交流與合作,歡迎來電", eng: ""}, building: {chn: "正在建设中...", tw: "正在建設中...", eng: "building..."}, detail: {chn: "详情信息", tw: "詳細信息", eng: "detail"}, jituan: {chn: "中梁控股集团", tw: "中梁控股集團", eng: "zhongliang holdings group"}, daodu: {chn: "信息导读", tw: "信息導讀", eng: "introduction"}, property_more_than: { chn: "服务多达23个省100多个城市", tw: "服務多達23個省100多個城市", eng: "service more than 23 province 100 cities." }, property_customers: { chn: "服务面积2,000余万方,覆盖家庭近20万户", tw: "服務面積2,000余萬方,覆蓋家庭近20萬戶", eng: "service area more than 20 million square, cover more than 200 thousand families." }, all: {chn: "全部", tw: "全部", eng: "all"}, latest_news: {chn: "最新新闻", tw: "最新新聞", eng: "latest news"}, latest_reports: {chn: "最新媒体报道", tw: "最新媒體報道", eng: "latest reports"} }; $(document).ready(function () { var language = getcookie("language"); $.each($(".set-lang"), function (_idx, _obj) { var key = $(_obj).data("lang-key"); if (language === "3") {//英语 $(this).html(language_package[key].eng); } else if (language === "2") {//繁体 if (language_package[key].tw) $(this).html(language_package[key].tw); else $(this).html(language_package[key].chn); } else {//中文 $(this).html(language_package[key].chn); } }) //添加返回按钮 $("body").append("
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